SPASA says farewell to longstanding executives David Stennett and Luke Daly

Two longstanding members of the SPASA team have departed, or are in the process of departing.
COO Luke Daly has left SPASA after six years and has been appointed to the role of CEO of the Australian Swim Schools Association. There is more on Daly’s appointment here.
David Stennett is moving on after seven years as brand and advertising manager for the SPLASH! platform, including the print and digital magazine, the website, newsletter, podcast, and the SPLASH! Pool & Spa Trade Show.
Stennett was well known in the industry and contributed greatly to the continuing success of SPLASH!, introducing a number of innovations such as the Ready Set SPLASH! podcast, on which he often shared hosting duties with Daly, and in the realm of online advertiser engagement. Although leaving SPASA, he will remain involved in the pool and spa industry.
Declan Gillard-Martin will soon join SPASA, replacing Stennett as brand manager for SPLASH! and assisting in the growth of Australasian Leisure Management magazine. Gillard-Martin comes with a solid aquatics background, holding a number of roles across the commercial and community aquatics industry; most recently with Royal Life Saving Society – South Australia, as General Manager Operations, and as CEO of public safety-focused organisation, Quack Group. He brings a wealth of experience to the role and makes a welcome addition to the team.
CEO Lindsay McGrath says that SPASA has undergone enormous change over the past few years, expanding and uniting all state-based SPASA entities under one banner.
“This consolidation has not only strengthened our collective voice but also empowered us to lead our industry with unparalleled unity and vision,” he says.
“Both Luke and David each made significant contributions in the evolution of SPASA and the organisation as it stands today. We extend our sincere appreciation for their dedication and service, and wish them both every success in their new roles.
“As we embark on this next phase of our journey, we are a little less focused on growth, remaining committed to ensuring that SPASA is agile, responsive, and above all, industry and member focused.”
TOP IMAGE: David Stennett presenting at the National Awards
LEFT IMAGE: Declan Gillard-Martin, who will replace David Stennett