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Save energy costs with the Pentair IntelliFlo VF

October 21st, 2011
Splash Magazine

Pentair says its intelligent variable flow pump, the IntelliFlo VF, can save the pool owner thousands of dollars over its long life.

Traditional pool pumps have offered a limited number of single-speed or two-speed designs. Their motor speeds are set and unchangeable. These set speeds are almost always higher than required, thereby overpowering the jobs they are assigned to do and wasting energy. What’s more, other pumps rely on induction motor technology, which is far less efficient. The result is that pumps are notorious energy hogs that cost hundreds— sometimes more than $1,000—per year to operate.

The IntelliFlo VF pump, by contrast, is sensationally energy efficient. It is the totally automatic, self-setting and self-adjusting, variable speed marvel with a micro-processor that determines and maintains the lowest amount of water flow for maximum performance and minimum energy use. It’s also the first to use vastly more efficient permanent magnet motor technology (used in hybrid cars).

The IntelliFlo VF can achieve and maintain optimum (typically lower) flow rates for further energy savings. The IntelliFlo VF operates at a fraction of the horsepower of standard pumps for impressive savings – Pentair says it could save up to 90% of existing pump-related costs.

Click here for more information on the IntelliFlo VF, visit www.pentairpool.com or contact Pentair on Toll Free 1800 664 266.

By Chris Maher
SPLASH! Magazine
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